Going from the restaurant to each table of each home, Pho is increasingly affirming the position of Vietnamese cuisine
Pho is inherently a familiar dish for every Vietnamese. Pho Hanoi, Pho Sai Gon, Pho Nam Dinh ... or even if it is not a famous name associated with Pho, then even in any province, there will be pho sales. It's unclear when Pho was ever created, but this dish has been associated with Vietnamese people for a long journey, so now when mentioning the name "pho", people will immediately think of A tradition and a lot of meaning in Vietnamese cuisine. Pho - The pride of Vietnamese people, the dish must try in the to-do list of international friends Many years ago, when a foreign friend came to Vietnam to play, he told me to take something "best" in Hanoi. I don't know why I thought of pho first. So without hesitation, I took you to a famous Pho restaurant on the old town, nor was it afraid for him to sit in the somewhat old, unfinished tables and chairs like in a restaurant. Because the important thing is after that, all my friends' memories of that...