Going from the restaurant to each table of each home, Pho is increasingly affirming the position of Vietnamese cuisine
Pho is inherently a familiar dish for every Vietnamese. Pho Hanoi, Pho Sai Gon, Pho Nam Dinh ... or even if it is not a famous name associated with Pho, then even in any province, there will be pho sales.
It's unclear when Pho was ever created, but this dish has been associated with Vietnamese people for a long journey, so now when mentioning the name "pho", people will immediately think of A tradition and a lot of meaning in Vietnamese cuisine.
Pho - The pride of Vietnamese people, the dish must try in the to-do list of international friends
Many years ago, when a foreign friend came to Vietnam to play, he told me to take something "best" in Hanoi. I don't know why I thought of pho first. So without hesitation, I took you to a famous Pho restaurant on the old town, nor was it afraid for him to sit in the somewhat old, unfinished tables and chairs like in a restaurant. Because the important thing is after that, all my friends' memories of that restaurant, and back to Hanoi were a "best" bowl of pho according to what it wanted and a few stories I had read. on a certain book about this dish. Then, when I came back home, my friend brought along his love of pho, and showed all the noodle soup here and there, and showed off instant noodles too.
In the early twentieth century, pho was sold in the form of very small restaurants. In Saigon, pho only has a table, pot of water and utensils filled around. The owner makes pho on that table and the guests eat on the spot. Then people started to open bigger, more luxurious pho restaurants, and until now, it has been served in 5-star restaurants not inferior to other famous dishes in the world.
What makes pho so attractive to anyone, perhaps it is because of the special taste from the ingredients that make it. Pho is a different kind of noodle from all kinds of so-called "noodles", so foreigners later called it "Pho" rather than any kind of "noodles". The most important "topping" is only the meat, not the sausages, beef balls, blood ... but still enough to make the bowl of pho become impressive. And the ingredient that makes people fall in love with pho is probably the broth. The water is simmered with elaborate herbs and spices, creating a special flavor that not everyone can do. Because of that, each restaurant has its own Pho.
Just like that, more and more people love pho. There are people who are even "addicted" to eating pho. In the morning, eat pho, eat lunch at noon, eat pho in the evening, and then at night they also tell each other to make pho to warm the stomach.
Not flamboyant but still quietly developing with many convenient variations, Pho increasingly "takes over the wave" in each person's life
I still remember that in the middle of the night, the whole group went out late, everyone was hungry and wanted to find something to eat over the stomach to make it less tummy. A friend suddenly came up with the idea of going to eat pho at night, even though he had to go around a bit far but it was too reasonable for a chilly night. Every time I eat a new row of pho, in a new way, I feel more and more impressed with this dish, and the more I feel "addicted". Just like that, I became a regular of several instant noodle shops: one near the house, a couple of rows on the old town, one for breakfast, and another that only opened at night ...
Loving Pho is so, in recent days, when temporarily away from the familiar noodle as the breath of life, Pho's followers have "scoured" in food review groups with the desire to find a bowl of pho. Tasty as full of pho as they usually enjoy at Pho restaurant. And the fact that they found that familiar Pho flavor from a bowl of instant noodles surprised me. Pho CHIN-SU Pho with this whole piece of beef has been tried and taken by photographers and reviewers with beautiful words that show astonishing brilliance. "The best noodle bowl in the world" or "The spectacular rescue phase in the quarantine season" is how netizens are talking about instant noodle bowl but nothing like the previous instant noodle bowl I know, because before it came out and caused a wave of curiosity to get excited, who knew instant noodles had whole beef?
Perhaps from now on, pho will "take over" more, because it can appear in the kitchen of every family at any time of the day, or even fly away the "hunger". "At times when going away, working abroad, at night or working too busy ... So, in many ways, Pho has been asserting an extremely important position with Vietnamese cuisine, with people. Vietnam and the whole world.
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