
Going from the restaurant to each table of each home, Pho is increasingly affirming the position of Vietnamese cuisine

Pho is inherently a familiar dish for every Vietnamese. Pho Hanoi, Pho Sai Gon, Pho Nam Dinh ... or even if it is not a famous name associated with Pho, then even in any province, there will be pho sales. It's unclear when Pho was ever created, but this dish has been associated with Vietnamese people for a long journey, so now when mentioning the name "pho", people will immediately think of A tradition and a lot of meaning in Vietnamese cuisine. Pho - The pride of Vietnamese people, the dish must try in the to-do list of international friends Many years ago, when a foreign friend came to Vietnam to play, he told me to take something "best" in Hanoi. I don't know why I thought of pho first. So without hesitation, I took you to a famous Pho restaurant on the old town, nor was it afraid for him to sit in the somewhat old, unfinished tables and chairs like in a restaurant. Because the important thing is after that, all my friends' memories of that...

The story of Vietnamese cuisine has conquered so many visitors

The story of Vietnamese cuisine has conquered so many foreign visitors In 2011, CNN voted the Roll dish as one of the 50 best dishes in the world. Why is Vietnamese cuisine so famous in the world? What do Vietnamese culinary lovers love about Cuon? A foreign customer after enjoying Vietnamese book said, "I love Vietnamese street food, especially your Pho must be rolled and dotted with a separate sauce" two words "rolled up" "dot" dipping sauce ”cannot describe all the poetics of Cuon Viet. The rustic taste of Vietnamese rolls Different from the hustle and bustle of Western snacks, Vietnamese rolls brings frugality and simplicity as the Vietnamese people themselves. Vietnamese rolls really impressed the world cuisine. The ingredients seem so simple but blended together to create a unique flavor. Poetry is considered the soul of that dish is the bowl of dipping sauce. Each region has a different way of mixing sauces. In the North, there is a ...


Starfruit is a popular dish in family meals. Starfruit fish is loved by many people because of its many nutritional values combined with a rich and delicious taste that consumes a lot of rice. Starfruit fish has a sweet taste from meat and sour from star fruit together with spices, creating a more attractive dish than ever. How to make starfruit fish dish is extremely simple with easy-to-find ingredients. If you love the warehouse, then you should not ignore this delicious and sour fish dish. Raw materials to make starfried fish The ingredients needed to make starfruit fish dish: Raw material                                              Quantity Pangasius                                                    500gr Starfruit    ...


Braised meat is always appealing to every Vietnamese family because of its incredible taste and charm. How to make braised meat is very simple and easy to do but to meet the criteria of color and flavor, not everyone can do it. Among the meat dishes, the pepper is always the most popular and popular dish. There are two ways to make pepper meat: black pepper meat and green pepper meat. Braised black pepper meat is most processed because the ingredients are simpler and easier to find. Meat of green pepper is difficult to find in terms of ingredients but it allows the person to enjoy the pungent aroma not too harsh. Especially, green pepper meat is very beneficial for women after giving birth because it is easier to absorb. The way to make green pepper meat is a little spicy, the smell is very up, combined with the color of the cockroach wings of coconut water, the overall is much more perfect. Coconut water is the main spice creating indispensable attractive colors for all the tre...


You are fed up with boiled meat, fried meat. So, try changing the flavor with the braised quail eggs in coconut milk. This delicious dish will make sure your whole family loves it because of its strong taste. So pocket up how to make this delicious treat to entertain the whole family. 1. Raw materials prepared to warehouse meat with quail eggs To cook braised quail eggs with coconut milk, you need to prepare the following ingredients. Raw material                                           Quantity Bacon                                                      500g Quail eggs with                                       20 fruits Coconut wat...


Stir-fried noodles with vegetables and beef help bring you a delicious breakfast and enough energy to start a new day. With a simple method that only takes a few minutes, you can complete this delicacy. Beef stir-fried noodles are a great suggestion for a delicious breakfast, loaded with energy to start a new day. . With a simple way of making beef stir-fried noodles, it only takes a few minutes to complete this delicious dish. So instead of a quick breakfast, take a moment to prepare a breakfast that ensures you have all the right nutrients at home. 1. Raw materials for stir-fried noodles with vegetables and beef With this way of cooking beef noodles, A Tuan Khang shares today, you will prepare the ingredients as follows: Resources Noodles 2 packs / 2 people Beef 200g Chips, carrots, mushrooms Custom Onions and scallions Custom Coconut water 1-2 tablespoons Garlic, cooking oil, fish sauce, seasoning seeds (Custom) ...


Bun rub Hanoi does not know since when, but it has become a typical culinary feature of Hanoi. It is not difficult to come to Hanoi, from every corner of the street, you can smell the aromatic grilled meat pies on the embers stove. A full portion of bun cha must include vermicelli, grilled meat rolls, dipping sauce and vegetables served. In particular, the dipping sauce is the deciding quality for bun cha. The final dipping sauce is a combination of flavors such as sour, spicy, salty and sweet made from the accompanying ingredients such as vinegar, sauce, sugar, chili, and garlic. Bun cha Hanoi is quite similar to the barbecue noodle of the central people. But the main difference is in the extremely elaborate processing. Looking to buy ingredients for making bun cha is also simple, not far, just outside the market, you can also buy things to look for. In general, bun cha is nothing special. Because it is not special that when enjoying each ingredient together, bun cha makes a ...